A number of studies have shown that playing board games keeps the brain active and can help reduce the risk of developing dementia. Board games require players to concentrate and think about their next moves, which keeps the brain engaged.

We’re lucky to have Anne, a Friend of Abbeyfield, who has been visiting us regularly to play Scrabble, and now Scattergories, with the residents. It’s always a really nice activity to do and is very social too.

To keep the body fit and healthy, we’ve been continuing with our yoga. And to feed the soul we bake cakes. There was plenty of cake enjoyed when former resident Josephine came in recently, to join us for her birthday. To celebrate her turning 89, we had a tea party with all the residents.

We put some of the money raised from previous events this year to good use and all went for lunch at the Shephard and Dog pub in Billericay. Everyone said they had a lovely meal and I’m sure we’ll be back there for another trip out before long.