February may be a short month but our residents have packed plenty of fun into it. This included a visit to our neighbours, the Young Carers, who invited us to attend a travelling animal show they were hosting. Featuring a variety of creatures such as rabbits, snakes and Australian frogs, the evening was designed to be both fun and informative, providing information on each animal while helping individuals conquer their fears by confronting their phobias.

The main highlight of the month however, was our highly successful Timberlog Quiz Night, which ran from 6.30- 10pm and was open to residents, staff, friends and family. The event proved very popular, with a turnout of 50 people enabling us to make up several mixed teams.

It was an enjoyable but hotly contested evening with questions on a range of topics such as music, geography and general knowledge. Participants were fuelled by hot dogs, burgers, wine and soft drinks and we also held a raffle, drawn by the children. Although the winning team did not receive a million pound prize, they were awarded lottery tickets and scratch cards – so almost!

We were delighted to have raised £170 towards the residents’ fund and extend our heartfelt thanks to our Quiz Master and his wife (relatives of a resident) for volunteering their time to come up with the questions and take charge of proceedings on the night.